the target and the name of the anchor within that file. The value of HREF must be a valid
target in a valid URL. It uses the following form:
<A href="URL#anchor-name">
ODS constructs the value of an HREF attribute based on information that you provide in
the ODS HTML statement.
Note: HTML references to files use other tags, but the logic for creating the string that
identifies the file is the same as the logic for creating an HREF attribute. For more
information, see “How ODS Constructs Links and References” on page 1091.
The URL in an HREF attribute includes information from three options in the ODS
HTML statement:
• the BASE option
• the GPATH= or the PATH= option
• the BODY=, the CONTENTS=, or the PAGE= option
1. If you specify BASE=, then the value of that option is the first part of the URL for
every HREF attribute that ODS writes.
2. If you specify GPATH= or PATH=, then the next part of the URL in an HREF
attribute comes from that option.
If the file that you are linking to is a high-resolution graphic, then ODS uses
information from the GPATH= option as the next part of the HREF. For information
about these options, see the discussion of GPATH= and the discussion of PATH= in
the “ODS HTML Statement ” on page 304. The following table shows how ODS
uses information from the GPATH= option in the URL in HREF attributes:
Table A3.1 Building an HREF Attribute from the GPATH= Option
file-specification in
GPATH= URL= Suboption
Information ODS Uses in
the Second Part of the
URL in the HREF
An external-file or
Not specified The name of the file
An external-file or
Specified, but not NONE The value of the URL=
An external-file or
NONE No information from
A fileref Specified or not specified No information from
If you do not specify GPATH=, then ODS uses the value of PATH= to create this part of the HREF.
If the file that you are linking to is not a high-resolution graphic, then ODS uses
information from the PATH= option as the next part of the HREF. The following
table shows how ODS uses information from the PATH= option in the URL in HREF
1092 Appendix 3 • ODS and the HTML Destination
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