SQL procedure 363
missing values 5
counting with a macro 312
finding errors caused by 63
finding grouping errors caused by 67
grouping data with 67
overlaying 182
replacing in columns 35
retrieving rows and 50
sorting columns with 43
SQL procedure 312, 326
summarizing data with 62
WHERE clause with 54
multicolumn joins 80
multiple-value subqueries 97
natural joins 89, 336
nested subqueries 100
NOEXEC option
syntax checking with 139
NOT IN operator
multiple-value subqueries and 97
null values 5
inner joins and 79
NUMBER option 226
See also rows
SQL procedure 216
ODS (Output Delivery System)
SQL procedure with 174
ODS destinations 174
values from 351
arithmetic 388
order of evaluation 352
set operators 344, 389
truncated string comparison operators
values from 351
ORDER BY clause 21, 265, 388
omitting 143
query performance and 143
orthogonal expressions 388
outer joins 84, 283, 332, 388
full outer joins 86
including nonmatching rows 84, 85
left outer joins 84
right outer joins 85
OUTER UNION operator
combining queries 103
concatenating query results 107
OUTER UNION set operator 345
OUTOBS= option 226
restricting row processing 139
adding text to 27
formatting with REPORT procedure
output objects 174
overlaying missing values 182
pattern matching 309, 341
computing within subtotals 185
queries 142
primary key 129
PRINT option 226
PROC SQL statement 221
PROC SQL tables 216
adding rows 250
aliases 262, 329
altering columns 232
altering integrity constraints 232
changing column attributes 235
combining 278
counting rows 362
creating 238, 269
creating, from query expressions 242
creating, from query results 271
deleting 248
deleting rows 246
indexes on columns 236
initial values of columns 235
inserting data 269
inserting values 251
integrity constraints 236, 243
joining 276, 300, 327
joining a table with itself 327, 329
joining more than two tables 338
joining three tables 292
ordering rows 265
recursive table references 243
renaming columns 236
retrieving data from 343
selecting columns 252
selecting rows 252
source tables 261
table definitions 247
table expressions 344
updating 267, 268, 273
without rows 242
PROC SQL views
See also views
Index 461