rows that satisfy a condition 44
satisfying multiple conditions 47
with a WHERE clause with missing
values 54
with BETWEEN-AND operators 51
with IN operator 50
with IS MISSING operator 50
with LIKE operator 52
with other conditional operators 49
with simple WHERE clause 44
with truncated string comparison
operators 53
return codes
Pass-Through Facility 172
returning a SUBSTRING 359
right outer joins 85
ROLLBACK statement 389
rows 4
See also retrieving rows
adding to tables or views 250
combining data from multiple rows into
single row 59
counting 62, 362
counting duplicates 187
deleting 123, 246
deleting duplicates 25
duplicates 143
including all 89
including all combinations of 87
inserting 116, 252
inserting with queries 118
inserting with SET clause 116
inserting with VALUES clause 117
joins and 328
matching 89
nonmatching 84, 85
ordering 265
producing from first or second query
restricting row processing 139
returned by subqueries 325
selecting 252, 316
selecting all 86
SQL procedure 216
updating all rows with same expression
updating rows with different
expressions 121
SAS data files
See tables
SAS data views
DICTIONARY tables 149
SQL procedure 217
SAS System information 149
SAS_PUT() function
mapping PUT function to 378
accessing a DBMS 167
LIBNAME statement 168
SQL procedure 217
updating 173
Sashelp views 149
retrieving information about 151
searching for patterns 309, 341, 342
SELECT * statement
expanding with FEEDBACK option
SELECT clause 20, 253
SELECT statement 20, 252
See also WHERE clause
FROM clause 20
GROUP BY clause 21
HAVING clause 21
ORDER BY clause 21
ordering clauses 22
SELECT clause 20
self-joins 83
SET clause
inserting rows with 116
set membership 325
set operators 344, 389
ALL keyword 143
combining queries with 103
simple indexes 238
single-value subqueries 96
sort order 37, 39
customized 197
sorting data 37
by calculated column 40
by column 38
by column position 41
by multiple columns 38
by unselected columns 42
columns with missing values 43
grouping and sorting 66
sorting data retrieved by views 244
sorting sequence 43
SORTMSG option 229
SORTSEQ= option 229
SOUNDS-LIKE operator 298
source data
generating SQL for in-database
processing of 374
generating for in-database processing of
source data 374
SQL components 315
BETWEEN condition 316
Index 463