Scenario 4

Code Solution

The solution listed below is one example of a program that could be used to accomplish each task within the scenario. Your code can be different, as long as it results in the same answers.
proc sort data=cert.laguardia out=work.laguardia;    /*#1*/
  by dest;
title 'Laguardia Flights';                           /*#2*/
ods pdf file='LGA Airport' style=FestivalPrinter;    /*#3*/
proc print data=work.laguardia;                      /*#4*/
  by dest;                                           /*#5*/
ods pdf close;                                       /*#6*/
1 When using the SORT procedure, the DATA= option specifies the input data set, and the OUT= option specifies the output data set. The required BY statement specifies the sorting variables.
2 The TITLE statement specifies title lines for SAS output. In this example, the TITLE statement ...

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