Chapter 13: Assessment

Chapter 1

Modify ${Home}/Scalable-Data-Analytics-with-Azure-Data-Explorer/Chapter01/first-query.kql to display an area chart.


The solution can be found in this book's GitHub repository:


Chapter 2

  1. Modify adx-powershell.ps1 and try to deploy another cluster with doubleEncryption parameter enabled. Hint: New-AzKustoCluster has an optional parameter called -EnableDoubleEncryption.


New-AzKustoCluster -ResourceGroupName $resource_group_name -Name $cluster_name -Location $location -SkuName 'Dev(No SLA)_Standard_D11_v2' -SkuTier 'Basic' -SkuCapacity 1 -EnableDoubleEncryption

  1. Create a new parameter file and enable purging ...

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