4Programs: A Theory (of Change) Is Just a Theory Until It Is Turned into Action
Starting Off Right
As recounted in John Wood’s first two books, Room to Read’s founding was somewhat unusual in the nonprofit world. John, a business executive on holiday in the magical mountains of Nepal, stumbles into a village school and realizes that children do not have books to read. He partners with a local Lion’s Club member, Dinesh Shrestha—who understands Nepal’s culture and mores—to deliver books to rural schools. Inspired by the community’s reaction to the donations, John and Dinesh decide to devote their lives to this cause. Along the way, they meet another business leader, Erin, who had worked with schools in Vietnam. The three of them decide to build a nonprofit organization focused on scaling quality education programs in low-income countries. The rest, as they say, is history.
Every social enterprise begins with a story of inspiration. The question is, what happens after that inspirational start? Why do some organizations grow while others simply maintain and still others fizzle out?
We know, looking back, that decisions made in Room to Read’s early days increased the likelihood it would succeed. First, Room to Read focused on big, challenging, and consequential issues from its start. Helping girls to stay in school and helping girls and boys become lifelong readers are foundational for everything else that happens in their lives. Second, Room to Read hired the right people. These ...
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