9 Classroom Meetings Creating a Climate of Cooperation

Dana Edwards

School counselors usually consult with teachers about their concerns with one or two students in the classroom. Sometimes, however, teachers request consultation regarding their entire class. In these scenarios, discussing and planning interventions for each student individually is unrealistic. Because of demands on the school counselor’s time, resources, and energy, it is imperative that counselors suggest effective techniques that teachers will agree to use that will impact the most students. Classroom meetings are such a technique.

Benefits of Classroom Meetings

The concept of classroom meetings is not a new idea. In fact, classroom meetings have been utilized for decades (Dreikurs et al., 1998; Glasser, 1969). Research on classroom meetings, though sparse, shows them to be effective. Hennessey (2007) found increased positive social behavior and reduced conduct problems when teachers use Open Circle, a class meeting program to improve class climate, problem solving and communication skills. Sorsdahl and Sanche (1985) reported significant increases in positive classroom behavior and students’ self-concepts after students had participated in classroom meetings for 20 weeks. Browning et al. (2000) found that ...

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