
I had a lot of fun during the process of writing this. I truly hope that you learned something new and enjoyed reading this.

You’ve learned a bit about protecting your applications from users, and users from themselves; securing your communication via HTTPS; safe password encryption techniques; role-based access control; and about popular attack vectors.

Please get in contact 1 if you want to learn more about any of the subjects covered here or just argue over the meaning of life.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Access control

  2. Algorithms

  3. Apache

  4. API

  5. Authentication


  1. BCrypt

  2. Brute force


  1. Caching

  2. Certificate authority

  3. Collision attacks

  4. Cross site request forgery (CSRF)

  5. Cross site scripting (XSS)

  6. Cryptography

  7. CSRF

SeeCross site request forgery (CSRF)


  1. Dynamic typing ...

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