Selling Electronic Media

Book description

"Selling is identifying and satisfying customer needs profitably. Profitable for you, profitable for them."
Diane Sutter, President and CEO of Shooting Star Broadcasting , owner of KTAB-TV, Abilene, Texas

This is the definition of sales used throughout Ed Shane's comprehensive and timely textbook Selling Electronic Media. This new definition reflects the customer-orientation of today's marketing environment as well as the product-orientation of selling. Today's selling is a win/win proposition, a win for the seller and a win for the customer.

Using interviews with industry leaders and reports of their selling experiences, Selling Electronic Media shares insight and practical advice in the basics of selling:

· prospecting
· qualifying
· needs analysis
· presentations
· answering objections
· closing
· relationship management

Focusing on the merging and converging of electronic media and the need for branding of media at all levels, this highly readable book offers complete coverage of advertising sales for radio, television and cable, plus the new and emerging mass communication technologies, primarily those generated by the Internet.

Selling Electronic Media is enhanced with review highlights and discussion points and illustrated throughout with visuals used by media outlets to market commercials and their audience reach.

Students pursuing sales and marketing careers in electronic media and professionals wishing to reinforce their understanding of the merging and converging media environment will find what they need in the pages of this book.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Dedication
  6. Table of Contents
  7. Foreword by Michael C. Keith
  8. Preface
  9. 1 The Selling Environment
    1. What Is Selling?
      1. What Have You Sold Todays
      2. Are You Selling or Are You Marketing?
      3. New Realities
      4. Defining Sales
      5. Selling Intangibles
    2. The Case for Advertising
      1. What Business Are We In?
      2. The Story of Advertising
      3. Pioneers of Persuasion
      4. Brand Identity
      5. Advertising and Electronic Media
      6. Seeing Is Believing
      7. Today’s Television Environment
      8. Closing Arguments
    3. The Electronic Media Environment
      1. The New Landscape
      2. Twenty-First Century Radio
      3. Twenty-First Century Television
      4. The Next Mass Medium?
      5. Newspaper and Print
      6. Product Life Cycles
    4. Review Highlights and Discussion Points
    5. Chapter Notes
    6. Taking It Further
    7. Additional Reading
  10. 2 The Sales Process
    1. Who Should Sell?
      1. Putting Customers First
      2. Is It You?
      3. What’s Expected of You
      4. The Stages of Selling
      5. Personal Marketing Plan
      6. Goal-Setting
      7. Time Management
      8. Your System
      9. Psychology
      10. You and Selling
    2. The Sales Cycle
    3. The Perfect Customer
      1. The Numbers Game
    4. Step One—Prospecting
      1. Newspaper
      2. Radio
      3. Cable
      4. Television
      5. Yellow Pages
      6. Outdoor Displays
      7. The Internet
      8. Trade Publications
      9. The Supermarket
      10. Brochures and Flyers
      11. Direct Mail
      12. Government Offices
      13. Handshakes and Referrals
      14. Your Own Operation
      15. Running Dry?
      16. List Building
      17. Cold Calling
      18. Keeping Track
      19. Using a Database
    5. Step Two—Qualifying
      1. Getting to the Right Person
      2. Checking Resources
      3. Can They Pay?
      4. Saying It Again
      5. Getting in the Door
      6. The Telephone
    6. Step Three—Needs Analysis
      1. Psychology
      2. Asking Questions
      3. Listening Skills
      4. Creating Solutions
    7. Step Four—Presentation
      1. Why They Buy
      2. Your Attitude
      3. Credibility
      4. Sell the Benefits
      5. Get to the Point
      6. Presentation Tip
      7. Give Your Nwnbers Impact
      8. Use Questions
      9. Let the Customer Say “No”
      10. Keeping Your Prospect Involved
      11. Powerful Words
    8. Step Five—Answering Objections
      1. Objections Versus Conditions
      2. When the Customer Says “No”
      3. Addressing Objections
      4. Transactional Business
      5. Rejecting Rejection
    9. Step Six-Closing
      1. If You Can’t Close, You Can’t Sell
      2. What Is Closing?
      3. The Master Closing Formula
      4. Closing Techniques
      5. Accptance Mode
      6. After the Sale
      7. The Commercial as Service
      8. Writing Copy
      9. You’re Still Not Finished
    10. Step Seven—Relationship Management
      1. Ask the Customer
      2. Relationship-Building Tactics
      3. The 80:20 Rule
      4. What Makes Customers Mad
    11. Review Highlights and Discussion Points
    12. Chapter Notes
    13. Taking It Further
    14. Additional Reading
  11. 3 Research and Ratings
    1. Qualitative Versus Quantitative
      1. Measuring the Audience
    2. Television Ratings
      1. Television Ratings
      2. Pros and Cons of the Nielsen Ratings System
      3. Using Nielsen Ratings
      4. Cost Comparisons
    3. Radio Ratings
    4. Online Ratings
    5. Beyond the Ratings—Qualitative Research
    6. Targeting
      1. Clustering
      2. Zip Codes
      3. Getting It Straight
      4. VALS™
    7. Using Research to Sell
    8. The Research Police
    9. Last Words
    10. Review Highlights and Discussion Points
    11. Chapter Notes
    12. Taking It Further
    13. Additional Reading
  12. 4 Sales Management
    1. Sharpening the Edge
      1. Training Organizations
    2. Team Selling
    3. Sales Meetings
    4. Compensation Plans
      1. Salary Only
      2. Salary Plus Bonus
      3. Straight Commission
      4. Draw Against Commission
      5. Salary Plus Commission
      6. Salary, Commission, and Bonus
      7. Straight Commision with Bonus
      8. Compensation Plan Objectives
    5. New Approaches to Compensation
      1. Incentive Pools
      2. Sales Contests
      3. Changing Plans
      4. Billings Versus Collections
      5. Beyond Money
    6. Structuring Rates
    7. Revenue Projections
    8. The Rate Card
    9. Inventory Management
    10. Dayparts
    11. Unit Structure
    12. Plans, Discounts, and Packages
    13. Terms and Conditions
    14. National Representatives
      1. How It Works
    15. Review Highlights and Discussion Points
    16. Chapter Notes
    17. Taking It Further
    18. Additional Reading
  13. 5 Casting the Net
    1. Direct Selling
      1. The Direct Sales Process
      2. Building Partnerships
      3. Ideas for Sale
      4. Advertisers, the Endangered Species
      5. “Sales Promotion” by Peter K. Pringle
    2. Co-op Dollars
    3. Special Selling Targets
      1. Hispanic Profile
      2. The Asian-American Market
      3. The African-American Market
    4. Selling Sports
    5. Nontraditional Revenue
    6. Advertising Agencies
      1. Agency Organizations
      2. What’s Good for General Motors
      3. Optimizers
      4. Reach or Frequency?
    7. Review Highlights and Discussion Points
    8. Chapter Notes
    9. Taking It Further
    10. Additional Reading
  14. 6 Selling Television Advertising
    1. Network Television
      1. The Netlets
      2. Operating on Faith
    2. The Benefits of Television as an Advertising Medium
    3. The Case Against Television Advertising
    4. Selling Network Television
      1. The Upfront Market
      2. The Scatter Market
      3. The Opportunistic Market
      4. Cancellations and Guarantees
      5. Clearances
    5. Syndication
      1. How Syndication Works
      2. Cable Syndication
      3. Advertisers on Syndicated Television
    6. Infomercials
    7. The Next Generation
    8. Selling Local Television
    9. News as Focus
    10. Who Buys Local TV?
    11. Review Highlights and Discussion Points
    12. Chapter Notes
    13. Taking It Further
    14. Additional Reading
  15. 7 Selling Cable Advertising
    1. Prime Time for Cable
    2. Selling Cable Nationally
    3. The Benefits of Cable as an Advertising Medium
    4. The Case Against Cable
    5. Cable Upfront
      1. Making It Easier
      2. Two Constituencies
    6. Selling Local Cable
      1. Subscribers First
    7. Advantages of Local Cable
      1. Direct Selling
      2. Local News Now
      3. Promotions
      4. Audience Measurement
      5. Advertiser Quiz
      6. Stringing Cable
    8. Review Highlights and Discussion Points
    9. Chapter Notes
    10. Taking It Further
    11. Additional Reading
  16. 8 Selling Radio Advertising
    1. Theater of the Mind
      1. The Benefits of Radio as an Advertising Medium
      2. Advertisers React
      3. Let the Deals Begin!
      4. Paradigm Shift
    2. The Radio Network Environment
      1. Paradigm Shift, Version One: Combine Forces
      2. Paradigm Shift, Version Two: Create a New Network
      3. Paradigm Shift, Version Three: Own the Programming
      4. The Old Paradigm: ABC
      5. The Unchanging Paradigm: Selling Network Commericals
      6. Network or Syndication?
    3. Selling Radio to Planners
    4. Selling Local Radio
    5. Selling Ideas
    6. Looking Good
    7. Targeting with Radio
    8. Radio at Work
    9. Points Versus Value
    10. Seven Dirty Words
    11. Show and Tell
    12. More on Commercials
    13. Review Highlights and Discussion Points
    14. Chapter Notes
    15. Taking It Further
    16. Additional Reading
  17. 9 The Interactive Interim
    1. The History of New Media
    2. New Competition
    3. Net Gain
    4. Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Advertising
    5. What to Sell?
    6. Web Networks
    7. Making Money
    8. The Cost-Per-Thousand (CPM) Myth
    9. City Sites
    10. The Virtual Marketplace
    11. User’s Guide
      1. View the Internet as an Adjunct
      2. Think Quality, Not Quantity
      3. Reciprocate
      4. Use E-Mail Strategically
      5. Create Extra Value
      6. Plan for the Long Term
      7. Design with Online in Mind
    12. The Attention Economy
    13. Review Highlights and Discussion Points
    14. Chapter Notes
    15. Taking It Further
    16. Additional Re ading
  18. Epilogue
    1. Diagonal Thinking
    2. Retail
  19. Appendix A
    1. Selling Against Newspapers
    2. The Case for Newspapers
    3. The Case Against Newspapers
    4. Getting Clipped
    5. Buying Less for a Higher Price
  20. Appendix B
    1. The SAFECO Media Example
    2. Chicago
    3. Dayton
    4. Springfield
  21. Appendix C
    1. The Chally Test
  22. Glossary
  23. Index

Product information

  • Title: Selling Electronic Media
  • Author(s): Ed Shane
  • Release date: February 1999
  • Publisher(s): Routledge
  • ISBN: 9781136026256