The Interactive Interim

Nobody knows what to call new media. Lots of people have tried to come up with just the right words.1

•  Broadcasting & Cable adopted “Telemedia” as a weekly section heading.

•  Advertising Age simply called their new media section “Interactive.”

•  Wired suggested the phrases “alternative media” and “Internet media.” They seemed very old-fashioned and not up to Wired’s pithy style.

•  The most-wired of Wired’s writers, Nicholas Negroponte, founder of MIT’s Media Lab, called it, simply, “multimedia.”

•  “Merging” and “converging” were the favorite words during the waning years of the 1990s when things were, indeed, merging and converging. I use those words more often than the others.

To “merging” and “converging,” I ...

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