Subject Index

Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Abstractive summarization 
crude features and user-defined feature 175
definition 172
noisy documents 172–173
opinion-filled text 173
product reviews, discourse structure of 176
steps 172
Advertisements 226
Advice mining 129–130
Affective commonsense reasoning 71–72
Affective Lexicon 73
Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW) 36, 61
Affective Reasoner 73
AFINN lexicon 34
Aggregated opinion 50–52, 52t
Amazon 136–137
Amazon Lexicon 33
Amplification metrics 17
Applause metrics 17
Appraisal theories, emotions 53
ArsEmotica Ontology of Emotions 38
Aspect and sentiment unification model (ASUM) 99
Aspect-based sentiment analysis 31, 59–60


Bag-of-concepts model  ...

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