12A Cornucopia of Commerce Situations

There are actually many situations which lead to antagonizing traditional thinking and Apple thinking. In this chapter, we provide a list of thematic situations which pave the way toward more in-depth investigation.

12.1. Commercial policy

12.1.1. Business school

  • – Provide salesman a bonus incentive based on turnover.
  • – Concentrate on increasing market share, by all means.

12.1.2. Apple

– Concentrate on customer satisfaction, and disregard the rest.

12.2. Asking customers

12.2.1. Business school

– Stick to your customers. Be as close as possible, so you know your customer better than the customer knows himself, or herself.

– Start from the technology and create customer experience.

12.2.2. Apple

– Do not ask your customers. They do not know the future, nor what they will want.

– Detach yourself from the present conditions.

12.2.3. Development

Your customers are tied in present conditions and cannot extract themselves from them. You will be tied same wise as soon as you abide with these.

Start with customer experience and work back toward the technology.


Figure 12.1 Typography at Apple: when medium is message (souce: http://www.applegazette.com/mac/the-typography-of-apple-typeface-design-from-1984-to-today-info-graphic/)

12.3. Forecasting and strategy

12.3.1. Business school

Forecast and then specify your market line. ...

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