Theming and Personalizing Your Business Intelligence Site

In this lesson, you learn how to create a theme in SharePoint using PowerPoint, modify existing themes in the Theme Gallery, and customize the navigation to ease user navigation.


A theme in SharePoint is simply a set of colors assigned to specific property types. It doesn't affect the design of pages — to change the design, Page Layouts and Master Pages must be used. Where the use of themes becomes important is in creating themes based on a similar set of colors, but changing specific sets of colors to help users easily determine which subsite on a site collection they are navigating through. This is especially useful when various departments have similar site designs, and being able to tell if the page being shown is related to HR or IT would take more than a glance otherwise. Themes are all stored in the Theme Gallery, for ease of use later.


You can create themes either through the SharePoint website, or by using a PowerPoint theme, which allows for the easy reuse of corporate color schemes that are in PowerPoint templates.

To create a new theme for use in SharePoint, open up PowerPoint and select the Design tab. Click the Colors button and choose Create New Theme Colors, as shown in Figure 22-1.

This will present a screen where you can choose the colors to use for the theme, as shown in Figure 22-2.

By clicking the Fonts button underneath ...

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