Exporting, Emailing, and Uploading
Slideshows have moved way beyond a darkened room and projector—especially if that slideshow is Keynote. Your audience can get your message while you and your remote are miles away. You can generate a printed version, export it as a movie, email it, and upload it to any number of websites, where your audience can enjoy your presentation while you sip a drink on a secluded beach (or get to work on your next slideshow).
Printing Slides and Handouts
Printing isn’t the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of presentation software, but printing your slideshow is extremely helpful—or even essential—in certain circumstances. You’ll find printing useful in order to do any of the following:
- Provide a printed handout of some or all of the slides so your audience members can make notes during the presentation, but not be distracted by mindlessly copying information from the screen.
- Print your slideshow-in-progress, along with your draft presenter notes, for review by your team members, or for your own use so you can study it on the subway or before the big event.
- Print your slideshow outline so you can run your text by the legal department.
Choose File➝Print, and Keynote unfurls the Print dialog box. If it’s just a tiny window with two pop-up menus, click the blue arrow next to the Printer menu to reveal Keynote’s print options in their full glory (Figure 3-1). Choose your printer in the Printer pop-up menu. If you want to print more than ...