Knocking the Meteorite Off Its Course

Close your eyes . . . okay, well, open them so you can keep reading, but pretend they are closed for effect.

I want you to imagine that you are standing outside on a beautiful, warm, sunny day. You’ve been working hard to raise awareness about a pressing issue or promote the good work of your organization on behalf of an important cause. Suddenly, the sky begins to darken. An ominous-looking shadow blankets you and your surroundings. The ground beneath you begins to shake. A giant meteorite is approaching. If it hits, everything you know will be affected. Everything you know will change—and not in a good way.

The meteorite in this story represents all the challenges that you face in addressing serious issues in today’s connected age. For brands and marketers, the meteorite represents the control that customers now have over their information experience—the knowledge that there are other products besides yours that meet their needs. For political organizers, the meteorite represents all the anger and frustration felt by citizens and the apathy toward voting and activism that it fosters. For nonprofit organizations and charities, the meteorite is the lack of resources and interest that potential supporters are willing to give to your efforts. If we don’t do something, that meteorite is going to strike the planet, and everything it hits will be destroyed. Your organization will fold. Your customers will disappear. Your job will no ...

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