Simplified Design of Filter Circuits

Book description

Simplified Design of Filter Circuits, the eighth book in this popular series, is a step-by-step guide to designing filters using off-the-shelf ICs. The book starts with the basic operating principles of filters and common applications, then moves on to describe how to design circuits by using and modifying chips available on the market today. Lenk's emphasis is on practical, simplified approaches to solving design problems.
  • Contains practical designs using off-the-shelf ICs
  • Straightforward, no-nonsense approach
  • Highly illustrated with manufacturer's data sheets

Table of contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. The EDN Series for Design Engineers
  5. Copyright
  6. Dedication
  7. Preface
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Chapter 1: Introduction to Electronic Filters
    1. 1.1 Basic Filter Functions
    2. 1.2 Transfer Functions, Response, and Phase Shift
    3. 1.3 Filter Order, Poles, and Zeroes
    4. 1.4 Log Scales, −3 dB Frequencies, and Filter Q
    5. 1.5 Basic Filter Types
    6. 1.6 Filter Approximations
    7. 1.7 Classic Filter Functions
    8. 1.8 Passive Filters
    9. 1.9 Active Filters
    10. 1.10 Switched-Capacitor Filters
    11. 1.11 The Best Filter in the World
  10. Chapter 2: Typical Switched-Capacitor Filter
    1. 2.1 Basic Circuit Functions for MF10
    2. 2.2 Basic Filter Configurations
    3. 2.3 Design Hints for All Modes of Operation
    4. 2.4 MODE 1A: Non-Inverting Bandpass, Inverting Bandpass, and Lowpass
    5. 2.5 MODE 1: Notch, Bandpass, and Lowpass
    6. 2.6 MODE 2: Notch, Bandpass, and Lowpass
    7. 2.7 MODE 3: Highpass, Bandpass, and Lowpass
    8. 2.8 MODE 3A: Highpass, Bandpass, Lowpass, and Notch
    9. 2.9 MODE 4: Allpass, Bandpass, and Lowpass
    10. 2.10 MODE 5: Complex Zeros, Bandpass, and Lowpass
    11. 2.11 MODE 6A: Single-Pole, Highpass, and Lowpass
    12. 2.12 MODE 6B: Single-Pole Lowpass (Inverting and Non-Inverting)
    13. 2.13 Design Examples with the MF10
  11. Chapter 3: Continuous (Active) Lowpass Filters
    1. 3.1 Basic Circuit Functions for MAX270/271
    2. 3.2 Programming the Cutoff Frequency
    3. 3.3 MAX270 Control Interface
    4. 3.4 MAX271 Control Interface
    5. 3.5 Digital Threshold Levels
    6. 3.6 Filter Performance
    7. 3.7 MAX271 Track-and-Hold
    8. 3.8 Power-Supply Configurations
    9. 3.9 Programming without a Microprocessor
    10. 3.10 Typical Application (Cascading)
  12. Chapter 4: Zero DC-Error Lowpass Filters
    1. 4.1 Basic Circuit Functions for MAX280/LTC1062
    2. 4.2 Using the Clock Divider Ratio
    3. 4.3 Using the Internal Oscillator
    4. 4.4 Using an External Clock
    5. 4.5 Choosing External Resistor and Capacitor Values
    6. 4.6 Input Voltage Range for MAX280
    7. 4.7 Internal Buffer
    8. 4.8 Filter Attenuation
    9. 4.9 Filter Noise
    10. 4.10 Transient Response for MAX280
    11. 4.11 Anti-Aliasing
    12. 4.12 LTC1062 Characteristics
    13. 4.13 Simplified Design Approaches (MAX280/LTC1062)
  13. Chapter 5: General-Purpose Lowpass Filters
    1. 5.1 Filter Response and Applications
    2. 5.2 Pin Descriptions for XR-1001/8
  14. Chapter 6: General-Purpose Elliptic Lowpass Filters
    1. 6.1 Filter Characteristics
    2. 6.2 Applications Requirements
    3. 6.3 Pin Descriptions for XR-1015/16
  15. Chapter 7: Tabular Design of Bandpass Filters
    1. 7.1 Using the Tables
    2. 7.2 Gain and Phase Relationships of the IC Filters
    3. 7.3 Cascading Non-Identical IC Filters
    4. 7.4 Cascading Identical IC Filters
    5. 7.5 Cascading Bandpass Filters in Mode 1
    6. 7.6 Cascading Bandpass Filters in Mode 2
    7. 7.7 Cascading More Than Two Identical 2nd-Order Sections
  16. Chapter 8: Practical Considerations for Switched-Capacitor Filters
    1. 8.1 SCFs versus Active RC Filters
    2. 8.2 Circuit Board Layout Problems
    3. 8.3 Power Supply Problems
    4. 8.4 Input Offset Problems
    5. 8.5 Slew Limiting
    6. 8.6 Aliasing in SCFs
    7. 8.7 Choosing a Filter Response
    8. 8.8 Noise in Filters (Active RC vs. SCF)
    9. 8.9 Clock Problems in SCFs
    10. 8.10 Bypass Capacitors for SCFs
  17. Chapter 9: Active RC Filters Using Current-Feedback Amplifiers
    1. 9.1 Basic CFA Operation
    2. 9.2 Active RC Filter Basics
    3. 9.3 Biasing CFA Active RC Filter Circuits
    4. 9.4 Highpass Active RC Filter
    5. 9.5 Lowpass Active RC Filter
    6. 9.6 Bandpass Active RC Filter
    7. 9.7 Bandpass Active RC Filter with Two CFAs
    8. 9.8 Bandpass Active RC Filter with Three CFAs (Bi-Quad)
  18. Chapter 10: Simplified Design Examples
    1. 10.1 DC-Accurate Filter for PLL Loops
    2. 10.2 Constant-Voltage Crossover Network
    3. 10.3 Infrasonic and Ultrasonic Filters
    4. 10.4 Lowpass Filters without DC Offset
    5. 10.5 Highpass Filter with Synthetic Inductor
    6. 10.6 DC-Accurate Notch Filter
    7. 10.7 Lowpass Filter for Anti-Aliasing
    8. 10.8 Communications Bandpass Filter with High Dynamic Range
    9. 10.9 Monolithic 5-Pole Lowpass Filter
    10. 10.10 Notch Filter Using an Op Amp as a Gyrator
    11. 10.11 Multiple Feedback Bandpass Filter
    12. 10.12 Filter with Both Notch and Bandpass Outputs
    13. 10.13 Lowpass Butterworth Active RC Filter
    14. 10.14 DC-Coupled Lowpass Active RC Filter
    15. 10.15 Universal State-Space Filter
    16. 10.16 Direct-Coupled Butterworth Filter
    17. 10.17 Bi-Quad Notch Filter
    18. 10.18 Elliptic Filter (Seven Section)
    19. 10.19 Basic Piezo-Ceramic-Based Filter
    20. 10.20 Piezo-Ceramic-Based Filter with Differential Network
    21. 10.21 Basic Crystal Filter
    22. 10.22 Single 2nd-Order Filter Section
    23. 10.23 Simple Highpass Butterworth Filter
    24. 10.24 Notch Filter with Adjustable Q
    25. 10.25 Easily-Tuned Notch Filter
    26. 10.26 Two-Stage Tuned Filter
    27. 10.27 Basic Tuned-Filter Circuit
    28. 10.28 Active RC Highpass Filter
    29. 10.29 Active RC Lowpass Filter
    30. 10.30 Notch Filler with High Q
    31. 10.31 Chebyshev Bandpass Filter
    32. 10.32 DC-Accurate Lowpass Bessel Filter
    33. 10.33 Simple Lowpass Filter
    34. 10.34 Wideband Highpass and Lowpass Filters
    35. 10.35 Fed-Forward Lowpass Filter
    36. 10.36 4.5-MHz Notch Filter
    37. 10.37 Spike Suppressor for Unregulated Power Supplies
    38. 10.38 DC-Accurate Lowpass/Bandpass Filter
    39. 10.39 Simple Bandpass Filter
    40. 10.40 Bandpass Filter with High Q
    41. 10.41 Chebyshev Bandpass Filter with Single Clock
    42. 10.42 Chebyshev Bandpass Filter with Two Clocks
    43. 10.43 Dual-Tracking 3-kHz Lowpass Filter
    44. 10.44 DC-Accurate Bessel Lowpass Filter
    45. 10.45 Filtering AC Signals from High DC Signals
    46. 10.46 Switched-Capacitor Filters (MAX291-97)
    47. 10.47 Tabular Design of Butterworth Lowpass Filters
  19. For Further Information
  20. Index

Product information

  • Title: Simplified Design of Filter Circuits
  • Author(s): John Lenk
  • Release date: August 1999
  • Publisher(s): Newnes
  • ISBN: 9780080517162