Conduct Many Small Tests Frequently, and Build on Each One

Without a doubt, the field of social media marketing is young. The social advertisement formats are still evolving; companies are just figuring out how to participate in the conversation; customers are discovering how powerful a voice they have online; and the technologies that allow all this to happen and be tracked are in a constant state of flux.

Knowing how to practice SMM and for what specific purposes may not always be easy. The government might have started to regulate blogger outreach programs in your industry, for example (as it recently has with the pharmaceutical companies). The only way to succeed in SMM is to conduct many small tests and build on each one. Don’t try to boil the ocean all at once, and don’t be frozen with paranoia either. Put a strategy in place that means many small, logical steps, each one building on the success of the previous one, deepening your relationships with the influencers and establishing yourself more deeply with your consumers. It takes longer to get where you want to, but it’s a safer path to take.

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