Chapter 3: Building Community through Pluses, Shares, and Comments
In This Chapter
Reaching people with Google+
Sharing photos and videos
Showing your appreciation for posts and comments
Enjoying the conversation
Commenting on other posts
Google+ may be new and still gaining steam, but just because it’s “quieter” doesn’t mean it should be discounted as an important tool for marketing and growing community. Getting in at the beginning is a wonderful opportunity to cut through the noise some of the other social networks offer and truly reach people. Unlike Facebook, your Google+ updates are seen by everyone who has you in their Circles, and unlike Twitter, you can have a conversation using more than 140 characters.
Because many of the people who are using Google+ are on that social network to avoid some of the drama other social networks offer, they’re more focused on a positive, intelligent conversation. Here’s your chance to reach some old friends as well as a whole new audience. ...