Chapter 4: Geomarketing Services
In This Chapter
Going geo or staying put
Using geomarketing
Playing foursquare
Location apps on Twitter, Facebook, and Google
Making money with meetups, tweetups, and cash mobs
Location, location, location: It’s the mantra of real estate and yet another feature of successful social media marketing. The convergence of mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) with GPS and social media offers a great opportunity for marketers. You can inform potential customers that you offer exactly what they’re looking for, when they’re looking for it, and provide directions to get them there from their location.
In this book, we use the term geomarketing tools to refer to social media services that incorporate knowledge of users’ locations or that bring people together in a specific, real-world space.
Several location-based services, including social mapping (identifying where people are) and location-based marketing games, are at the ready as you expand into geomarketing. ...