Social Media Metrics For Dummies

Book description

Discover how to gauge your online success based on social media metrics

With so many social media monitoring and measurement tools available, it can be overwhelming to figure out which tool is right for you when it comes to calculating the success of your social media marketing efforts. This fun and friendly guide helps you determine which tool will serve you best for understanding your online audience.

You'll learn to sift through all the information available about social media monitoring and metrics so that you can listen to what is being said about your business, read your analytic dashboard, understand what metrics mean for you, calculate your return on investment (ROI), and apply your findings to future social media marketing campaigns.

  • Helps you wade through the plethora of social media monitoring and metrics to discover what elements are most applicable to your needs

  • Explains the meaning behind the social media metrics tools so that you can understand how to make those results work for you

  • Shares examples of how to calculate both the financial and non-financial return on investment of your social media efforts

  • Includes real-world case studies that demonstrate how small and large businesses are using social media metrics

  • With this helpful book by your side, you will learn how to understand the information you acquire regarding your social media marketing efforts and then put that information to work for your business.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Title Page
  4. Introduction
    1. About This Book
    2. Conventions Used in This Book
    3. What You’re Not to Read
    4. Foolish Assumptions
    5. How This Book Is Organized
    6. Icons Used in This Book
    7. Where to Go from Here
  5. Part I: Metrics? What the Heck Is That?
    1. Chapter 1: Social Metrics Aren't Scary; They Just Measure Value
      1. Figuring Out the Metrics and Measurement Thing
      2. Applying Metrics to Business Use
      3. Getting a Closer Look at Analytics
      4. Discovering the Kinds of Social Metrics Services Out There
      5. Determining Which Measurements Matter and Which Ones Are Junk
    2. Chapter 2: Sorting It All Out
      1. Keeping Incoming Data from Eating You Alive
      2. Finding the Right Metrics Service
      3. Working with What You Find
      4. Using Metrics and Search
      5. Tracking Daily Metrics
      6. Adjusting on the Go: Shift on the Fly Listening
    3. Chapter 3: A Tour of a Few Free or Freemium Analytics Solutions
      1. The Big Daddy: Google Analytics 101
      2. Get Clicky with It
      3. Get the Scoop with CustomScoop
      4. Looking at Other Free or Freemium Tools
    4. Chapter 4: Measuring Everything
      1. Capturing Data with a Wide Net
      2. Knowing What to Do with Metrics
      3. Identifying Metrics Sources
  6. Part II: Navigating the Measurement Jungle
    1. Chapter 5: The Six Stages of Metrics Grief: Turning Chaotic Information into a Business Advantage
      1. Battling Denial and Isolation
      2. Dealing with Anger
      3. Bargaining for Quick Solutions
      4. Overcoming Depression
      5. Reaching a State of Acceptance
    2. Chapter 6: Maximizing Listening
      1. Looking at How Individuals Use Metrics
      2. Seeing How Organizations Use Metrics
      3. Creating Your Own Listening Dashboard
      4. Knowing When to Listen and When to Talk
      5. Comparing DIY Metrics to Metrics Systems
    3. Chapter 7: Creating Content for Conversion
      1. Recognizing Compelling, Shareable Content
      2. Following Your Content with URL Shorteners
      3. Seeking Out Hidden Content Metrics
      4. Tracking Video, Audio, and Photo Metrics
      5. Taking a Look at Shared Content Metrics
  7. Part III: Putting Your Metrics on Steroids
    1. Chapter 8: Becoming a Metrics Guru
      1. Following Metrics Protocols
      2. Getting Familiar with Metrics Language and Abbreviations
      3. Tracking and Converting
      4. Listening Frequency
      5. Using Your Metrics History
      6. Finding Metrics for Feeds
      7. Deciphering Metrics Codes and Patterns
    2. Chapter 9: Taking Metrics Off the Reservation
      1. Tracking Mobile Metrics
      2. Venturing into E-Mail Metrics
    3. Chapter 10: Making Your Investment Accountable and COUNTable
      1. Making Your Metrics Business-Centric
      2. Practicing Bulletproof Metrics for Companies
      3. Measuring Collateral
      4. Measuring Foot Traffic
      5. Kicking ROI to the Curb for Real Metrics
      6. Using Nonmainstream Metrics Tools
  8. Part IV: Keeping Your Finger on the Pulse of Living, Breathing Metrics
    1. Chapter 11: Avoiding Metrics Bankruptcy: Simple Steps to Avoid Common Metrics Mistakes
      1. Recognizing the Signs of False Metrics
      2. Digging Deeper than Surface Metrics
      3. Preventing Fake Metrics
      4. Avoiding Metrics Pitfalls
      5. Meeting Metrics Gurus, not Charlatans
      6. Gaming the System — Not!
      7. Using Layered Metrics to Avoid False ROI
    2. Chapter 12: Making Metrics Work for Your Brand
      1. Growing a Brand with Metrics
      2. Finding and Getting New Business
      3. Tallying Up the Advantages of Real-Time Metrics
    3. Chapter 13: Using Branded Metrics for Business Success
      1. What White Label Really Means
      2. Knowing What to Look for in a Service
      3. Watching Out for the Pitfalls
      4. Looking at Your Options
  9. Part V: Taking the Deep Dive into Advanced Metrics
    1. Chapter 14: Mastering Metrics Moves
      1. Tracking Page Load Times
      2. Watching Video Metrics
      3. Getting Data on Phone Calls
      4. Pushing Social Buttons
      5. Keeping an Eye on Offline Marketing
      6. Integrating Metrics and CRM
      7. Pinpointing Moment of Traction with Google+
    2. Chapter 15: Making Your Calls-to-Action Work for You
      1. Building Great Calls-to-Action
      2. Calls-to-Action: Best Practices
      3. Applying Metrics to Calls-to-Action
      4. Creating Powerful Landing Pages
    3. Chapter 16: Setting Goals for Winning the Metrics Game
      1. Understanding Who Can Set Goals
      2. Fine-Tuning Your Goals
      3. Making Your Goals Achievable
      4. Building Goals for the Future
  10. Part VI: Predicting Future Metrics
    1. Chapter 17: Measuring Mobile App Metrics
      1. Getting to Know Google Analytics SDK
      2. Looking at Other Mobile Metrics Tracking Methods
      3. Practicing Good Mobile Metrics Habits
      4. Tracking Mobile Use of Your Website
      5. Putting Your Metrics in Your Pocket
    2. Chapter 18: Exploring Cutting-Edge Metrics Ideas
      1. Gaining Know-How from the Big Brands
      2. Taking Metrics to a New Level
      3. Identifying What Else You Can Measure
    3. Chapter 19: Seeing into the Metrics Future
      1. Assessing Your Metrics
      2. Knowing What New Things Deserve Measuring
      3. Knowing What to Do with Outliers
      4. Grabbing On to New Trends
      5. Using Current Metrics to Create New Business
      6. What’s Coming Next
  11. Part VII: The Part of Tens
    1. Chapter 20: Ten Cool Ways to Use Metrics
      1. Metrics of Fitness
      2. Metrics of Health
      3. Metrics for E-Mails and Schedules
      4. Metrics of the Quantified Self
      5. Metrics of Finance
      6. Metrics of Travel
      7. Metrics for Energy Use
      8. Metrics for Productivity
      9. Metrics for Learning
      10. Metrics for Relationships
    2. Chapter 21: Ten Useful Metrics Services
      1. Forrester Research, Inc. and Altimeter Group
      2. KD Paine & Partners
      3. SEOmoz Pro plus Distilled
      4. Attensity
      5. Localytics
      6. Mu Sigma
      7. ForeSee
      8. Yottamine
      9. Salesforce
    3. Chapter 22: Ten Metrics Tools
      1. Google Analytics
      2. KISSmetrics
      3. Compete
      4. Clicky
      5. SocialBro
      6. AWStats
      7. Crazy Egg
      8. ThinkUp
      9. Mint
      10. Mixpanel
  12. Cheat Sheet

Product information

  • Title: Social Media Metrics For Dummies
  • Author(s): Leslie Poston
  • Release date: June 2012
  • Publisher(s): For Dummies
  • ISBN: 9781118027752