
The problems below are arranged by chapters. Most of them have quantitative answers. A few of them are descriptive. They are selected to be representative of interesting and significant problem types; many of them can be rearranged or broadened in scope to provide a wider range of problem-solving experience. In many of the chapters the last problem is comprehensive and requires the use of a computer program such as Engineering Equation Solver (EES). In all problems time is assumed to be solar time unless otherwise stated.

Chapter problems that are identified with a leading letter S require running or constructing some part or all parts of a solar simulation program. These problems can be solved using a high-level programming language such as BASIC, FORTRAN, Pascal, etc. Spreadsheets such as Excel can sometimes be used. However, EES is recommended and is available to academic institutions at a reasonable cost from F-Chart Software, LLC (see fchart.com) or for free from McGraw-Hill if certain textbooks are adopted for use in other courses—see http://www.mhhe.com/engcs/mech/ees/na.html. The EES solar functions library (SETP.LIB) is used whenever convenient. This EES library can be downloaded for free from fchart.com under EES “Additional Items.” The S problems associated with the Introduction use the free simulation program CombiSys and are used to illustrate solar system behavior prior to the detailed study of subsequent chapters.

Finding and Installing CombiSys:


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