Example Scripts

These sections contain some examples of Bourne shell scripts.

Anonymous ftp Script

A script named fez performs an anonymous ftp get or list. Refer to the Description comments in the script for information about how the FTP site is determined.

 #!/bin/sh # # @(#)fez,v1.0 (me@anywhere.EBay.Sun.COM) 08/29/92 # PATHNAME=anywhere.EBay:/home/me/bin/fez MYNAME=`basename $0` # # Author: # Wayne Thompson # # Synopsis: usage=`/bin/sed -e "s/^ *//" << endusage usage: $MYNAME [-h] [-abfglmprR] [[login@]hostname:[sourcepath]] endusage` # # Description: # This script will perform an anonymous ftp get or list. # # If the hostname is not specified on the command line, then # it is derived from the basename(1) of the current directory. # This ...

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