Chapter 18. Managing Change
One thing that is inevitable in life is change, and that is doubly true for computers and software. You cannot expect to keep up with all the change that happens. If you need to be an expert in SolidWorks for your job, it is such a huge topic that it is impossible to know about all the various corners of the software, much less all the changes in a new version or service pack. Beyond that, you may sometimes be asked to remember the version and service pack when a certain change takes place. Add in the compatibility of versions of the SolidWorks software with versions of hardware such as video cards, which change like the wind, and it is simply overwhelming.
A substantial part of your job as a SolidWorks CAD Administrator is to manage the process of change. Several tools can help you do this. Obviously, you need to read and maintain a record of the SolidWorks documentation of release notes and What's New documents. This record, along with using some search skills, will help you keep a handle on what has changed, and when it happened. If you have documentation for SolidWorks versions you have not yet installed, it will help you decide when the time is right to update to the next version.
Beyond the technical changes, another aspect of change applies to humans. Some people are addicted to change and exploring new things, while ...
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