Spatio-Temporal Methods in Environmental Epidemiology

Book description

Teaches Students How to Perform Spatio-Temporal Analyses within Epidemiological StudiesSpatio-Temporal Methods in Environmental Epidemiology is the first book of its kind to specifically address the interface between environmental epidemiology and spatio-temporal modeling. In response to the growing need for collaboration between statisticians and

Table of contents

  1. Front Cover (1/2)
  2. Front Cover (2/2)
  3. Dedication
  4. Contents (1/2)
  5. Contents (2/2)
  6. List of Figures (1/2)
  7. List of Figures (2/2)
  8. List of Tables
  9. Preface
  10. Abbreviations
  11. The Authors
  12. Chapter 1 - Why spatio–temporal epidemiology? (1/4)
  13. Chapter 1 - Why spatio–temporal epidemiology? (2/4)
  14. Chapter 1 - Why spatio–temporal epidemiology? (3/4)
  15. Chapter 1 - Why spatio–temporal epidemiology? (4/4)
  16. Chapter 2 - Modelling health risks (1/6)
  17. Chapter 2 - Modelling health risks (2/6)
  18. Chapter 2 - Modelling health risks (3/6)
  19. Chapter 2 - Modelling health risks (4/6)
  20. Chapter 2 - Modelling health risks (5/6)
  21. Chapter 2 - Modelling health risks (6/6)
  22. Chapter 3 - The importance of uncertainty (1/3)
  23. Chapter 3 - The importance of uncertainty (2/3)
  24. Chapter 3 - The importance of uncertainty (3/3)
  25. Chapter 4 - Embracing uncertainty: the Bayesian approach (1/3)
  26. Chapter 4 - Embracing uncertainty: the Bayesian approach (2/3)
  27. Chapter 4 - Embracing uncertainty: the Bayesian approach (3/3)
  28. Chapter 5 - The Bayesian approach in practice (1/4)
  29. Chapter 5 - The Bayesian approach in practice (2/4)
  30. Chapter 5 - The Bayesian approach in practice (3/4)
  31. Chapter 5 - The Bayesian approach in practice (4/4)
  32. Chapter 6 - Strategies for modelling (1/6)
  33. Chapter 6 - Strategies for modelling (2/6)
  34. Chapter 6 - Strategies for modelling (3/6)
  35. Chapter 6 - Strategies for modelling (4/6)
  36. Chapter 6 - Strategies for modelling (5/6)
  37. Chapter 6 - Strategies for modelling (6/6)
  38. Chapter 7 - Is ‘real’ data always quite so real? (1/4)
  39. Chapter 7 - Is ‘real’ data always quite so real? (2/4)
  40. Chapter 7 - Is ‘real’ data always quite so real? (3/4)
  41. Chapter 7 - Is ‘real’ data always quite so real? (4/4)
  42. Chapter 8 - Spatial patterns in disease (1/4)
  43. Chapter 8 - Spatial patterns in disease (2/4)
  44. Chapter 8 - Spatial patterns in disease (3/4)
  45. Chapter 8 - Spatial patterns in disease (4/4)
  46. Chapter 9 - From points to fields: modelling environmental hazards over space (1/9)
  47. Chapter 9 - From points to fields: modelling environmental hazards over space (2/9)
  48. Chapter 9 - From points to fields: modelling environmental hazards over space (3/9)
  49. Chapter 9 - From points to fields: modelling environmental hazards over space (4/9)
  50. Chapter 9 - From points to fields: modelling environmental hazards over space (5/9)
  51. Chapter 9 - From points to fields: modelling environmental hazards over space (6/9)
  52. Chapter 9 - From points to fields: modelling environmental hazards over space (7/9)
  53. Chapter 9 - From points to fields: modelling environmental hazards over space (8/9)
  54. Chapter 9 - From points to fields: modelling environmental hazards over space (9/9)
  55. Chapter 10 - Why time also matters (1/6)
  56. Chapter 10 - Why time also matters (2/6)
  57. Chapter 10 - Why time also matters (3/6)
  58. Chapter 10 - Why time also matters (4/6)
  59. Chapter 10 - Why time also matters (5/6)
  60. Chapter 10 - Why time also matters (6/6)
  61. Chapter 11 - The interplay between space and time in exposure assessment (1/5)
  62. Chapter 11 - The interplay between space and time in exposure assessment (2/5)
  63. Chapter 11 - The interplay between space and time in exposure assessment (3/5)
  64. Chapter 11 - The interplay between space and time in exposure assessment (4/5)
  65. Chapter 11 - The interplay between space and time in exposure assessment (5/5)
  66. Chapter 12 - Roadblocks on the way to causality: exposure pathways, aggregation and other sources of bias (1/4)
  67. Chapter 12 - Roadblocks on the way to causality: exposure pathways, aggregation and other sources of bias (2/4)
  68. Chapter 12 - Roadblocks on the way to causality: exposure pathways, aggregation and other sources of bias (3/4)
  69. Chapter 12 - Roadblocks on the way to causality: exposure pathways, aggregation and other sources of bias (4/4)
  70. Chapter 13 - Better exposure measurements through better design (1/6)
  71. Chapter 13 - Better exposure measurements through better design (2/6)
  72. Chapter 13 - Better exposure measurements through better design (3/6)
  73. Chapter 13 - Better exposure measurements through better design (4/6)
  74. Chapter 13 - Better exposure measurements through better design (5/6)
  75. Chapter 13 - Better exposure measurements through better design (6/6)
  76. Chapter 14 - New Frontiers (1/4)
  77. Chapter 14 - New Frontiers (2/4)
  78. Chapter 14 - New Frontiers (3/4)
  79. Chapter 14 - New Frontiers (4/4)
  80. Appendix 1 - Distribution theory (1/2)
  81. Appendix 1 - Distribution theory (2/2)
  82. Appendix 2 - Entropy decomposition
  83. References (1/5)
  84. References (2/5)
  85. References (3/5)
  86. References (4/5)
  87. References (5/5)
  88. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: Spatio-Temporal Methods in Environmental Epidemiology
  • Author(s): Gavin Shaddick, James V. Zidek
  • Release date: June 2015
  • Publisher(s): Chapman and Hall/CRC
  • ISBN: 9781482237047