How to do it...

Aside from Reactor Core, Spring 5 can work with other reactive libraries, just like the popular RxJava 2.0. Follow these steps to guide on how to integrate RxJava 2.0 with Spring 5:

  1. Before we start, add the Maven dependencies of RxJava 2.x to pom.xml. This set of libraries has been used in the previous chapter.
  1. Open the DepartmentService class and add the following template methods that will soon be implemented as non-blocking transactions:
public interface DepartmentService { 
   // refer to sources 
   public Observable<Department> getDeptsRx(); 
   public Single<Department> getDeptRx(int id); 
   public Flowable<String> getDepttNamesRx(); 
  1. Implement these template methods in DepartmentServiceImpl using RxJava 2.x stream APIs:

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