Chapter 12

Building Graphs Using the Chart Builder

In This Chapter

arrowGenerating simple graphs and charts

arrowCreating fancy (multivariable) charts from your data

arrowDisplaying scatterplots, histograms, pie charts, and area graphs

The first part of this chapter provides examples of simple graphs and charts and shows you how to build the graphs that you’re already familiar with. The second part of this chapter shows examples of graph types that may be less familiar and are more complex. This chapter provides instructions on how to create all the different graph types in a simple, step-by step procedure.

Although the chapter doesn’t cover every type of chart, you can use the steps in this chapter to produce some neat graphs. When you get the basic idea of how to build graphs using the Chart Builder, you can explore making some graphs on your own.

You can work through the examples in this chapter to get an overview of building graphs using SPSS — not a bad idea for a beginner — or simply choose the look you want your data to have and follow the steps given here to construct the chart that does the job. Either way, when you get a handle on the basics, you can step through the process again and ...

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