Chapter 24

Ten Professional Development Projects for SPSS Users

In This Chapter

arrowChallenging yourself with more advanced SPSS projects

arrowTaking your SPSS knowhow to the next level

When you’re ready for intermediate-level material, this chapter is for you. Here, we take you beyond what this one book can do, and introduce you to a whole world of SPSS knowledge out there waiting for you.

tip For some of these topics, SPSS Statistics for Data Analysis and Visualization, by Keith McCormick and Jesus Salcedo (Wiley), can be a big help.

The Case Studies

The case studies in the Help menu are an absolutely wonderful resource, and many new users simply don’t find them. They’re chapter-length, step-by-step, detailed walk-throughs of the techniques, accompanied with practice data. In terms of free resources, you simply can’t get any better than this. The only limitation, perhaps, is that for the more sophisticated techniques, you encounter a lot of jargon (so you may find yourself searching for more information online).

If you happen to have a good grounding in statistical jargon already, jump right in! If you’re just starting out, start with the case studies that support the techniques in Part ...

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