Chapter 16
High Exposure: Marketing Your Etsy Business
In This Chapter
Defining your brand
Promoting your shop
Publicizing sales
Getting on the Etsy Registry
Building an e-mail list
Engaging in charitable giving on Etsy
Although marketing as a discipline is relatively new, in practice, marketing is as old as Joan Rivers. Indeed, the first marketer was most likely the first Cro-Magnon to convince a fellow knuckle dragger to barter for his mastodon-fur cape instead of the one offered one cave over. (“But this mastodon-fur cape 100 percent stench free. Og’s not.”) Naturally, if you want to evolve your Etsy shop into a thriving enterprise, you need to do the same. This chapter is devoted to the ins and outs of marketing your Etsy business so that it doesn’t go the way of the Neanderthal.
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