Entries in bold are R functions
- 1 parameter “1” as the intercept
- 1:6 generate a sequence 1 to 6
- = = (“double equals”) logical EQUALS
- != logical NOT EQUAL
- for barplot
- influence testing
- with subsets
- / division
- / nesting of explanatory variables
- %% modulo
- & logical AND
- | conditioning (“given”)
- ( ) arguments to functions
- (a,b] from and including a, up to but not
- including b
- * main effects and interaction terms in a model
- * multiplication
- : generate a sequence; e.g. 1:6
- [[ ]] subscripts for lists
- [ ] subscripts
- [a,b) include b but not a
- \\ double backslash in file paths
- ^ for powers and roots
- { } in defining functions
- in for loops
- <- gets operator
- < less than
- > greater than
- 1st Quartile with summary
- 3rd Quartile with summary
- a intercept in linear regression
- a priori contrasts
- abline function for adding straight lines to a
- plots
- after Ancova
- in Anova
- with a linear model as its argument
- abline(h = 3) draw a horizontal line
- abline(lm(y ∼ x)) draw a line with a and b
- estimated from the linear model y ∼ x
- abline(v = 10) draw a vertical line at x =
- absence of evidence
- acceptance null hypothesis
- age effects longitudinal data
- age-at-death data using glm
- aggregation and randomization
- aggregation count data
- AIC Akaike's Information Criterion
- air pollution correlations
- aliasing introduction
- analysis of covariance, see Ancova
- analysis of deviance count data
- proportion data
- analysis of variance, see Anova
- Ancova
- contrasts
- order matters
- subscripts
- with binary response
- with ...
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