Stochastic Image Models
9.1 Introduction
Chapters 6 and 8 describe statistical properties of X-ray CT imaging and MR
imaging at three levels of the image: a single pixel, any two pixels, and a
group of pixels (i.e., an image region). When a probabilistic distr ibutio n of
any pixel intensity with respect to all other pixel intensities in the image is
viewed as a stochastic model for the ima ge, then this model can be tho ught of
as the statistical property of an image at its image level. In this way, statistical
properties a t the three bottom levels of X-ray CT and MR images described
in Chapters 6 and 8 can be integrated into those at this top level to build
stochastic models. Thus, this chapter is a continuation of Chapters 6 and 8.
Chapters 2 and 3 show that X-ray CT imaging and MR imaging are based
on different physical phenomena and their imaging princ iple s are very differ-
ent. Chapters 5 and 7 show that data acquired in X-ray CT and MR imaging
processes represent different physical quantities and their statistical properties
are also different. However, Chapter s 6 and 8 show that X-ray CT imaging
and MR imaging have the very similar statistical properties. For example, in
these two types of images, the intensity of a single pixel has a Gaussian distri-
bution; intensities of any two pixels are spatially asymptotically independent;
intensities of a group of pixels (i.e., an image regio n) form a stationary and er-
godic r andom process. These common statistical properties suggest that these
two imaging modalities may have some fundamental and intrinsic links.
One possible reason for X-ray CT imaging and MR imaging having very
similar sta tistical properties may be the fact that they both belong to non-
diffraction computed tomographic imaging, which is brie fly disc ussed in Chap-
ter 4. In nondiffraction CT imaging, the interaction model and the external
measurements (e.g., projections) are characterized by the straight line inte-
grals of some indexes of the medium and the ima ge reconstruction is based
on the Fourier slice theorem. T he convolution reconstructio n method (FBP)
for X-ray CT and the projection reconstruction method (PR) for MRI have
shown this common feature.
The common statistical properties at the three bottom levels of X- ray CT
and MR images also suggest that we can create unified stochastic models for
both X-ray CT and MR images. Based on our v iew of a stochastic image

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