Chapter 18

Searching for Links in Quantitative Data: Correlation and Regression


Bullet Creating and interpreting scatterplots

Bullet Calculating and understanding correlation

Bullet Finding the best fitting line (regression line)

Bullet Forecasting with regression lines

Bullet Testing the fit of the regression line

In this chapter, you practice breaking down and analyzing data from two quantitative variables collected as pairs (X, Y). You also examine and quantify any linear relationship that may occur between the two variables. For example, can you use annual rainfall to predict corn production? What can you use to predict your total score in golf? And do fans consume more coffee at football games played in cold weather?

Relating X and Y with a Scatterplot

To make sense out of any type of data, you should organize it with a table, chart, or graph. In a case where you have data on two variables and both are quantitative (or numerical), such as height and weight, you organize it in a graph called ...

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