Annotated Bibliography
When we began writing this book in April 2001 there were hardly any books about storage networks. Since then a couple of books have appeared on this subject. In the following we introduce a selection of the sources (books, white papers and websites) that have been helpful to us when writing this book, in addition to our daily work. That means, the following list represents our subjective list of readings – there may be a lot of other useful resources available as well.
Marc Farley Building Storage Networks (2nd Edition), McGraw-Hill 2001. In our opinion the first comprehensive book on storage networks. When we started to work with storage networks in mid-2000 Farley’s book quickly became the ‘storage bible’ for us. We still use this book as a reference today. The book gives a particularly good overview of the fundamental technologies for storage networks.
Tom Clark Designing Storage Area Networks: A Practical Reference for Implementing Fibre Channel and IP SANs (2nd Edition), Addison-Wesley 2003. This book gives a good overview about techniques for storage networking and their application.
InfoStor (, a manufacturer-neutral technical journal on storage and storage networks. For us the companion website is the first port of call for new devel- opments such as IP storage, RDMA, SMI-S or InfiniBand. At InfoStor you can also order a free weekly e-mail newsletter with up-to-date information on storage and storage networks. ...