Strata Conference 2011: Video Compilation

Video description

Tune into the new world of big data with this incisive video compilation of O’Reilly's inaugural Strata Conference. Held on February 1-3 in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley, Strata included 78 inspiring sessions with the world’s leading data analysts, scientists, and practitioners.

Watch luminaries such as Hilary Mason (, Ben Gimpert (Altos Research), Chris Wensel (Concurrent, Inc.), Patrick Chanezon (Google), Zane Adam (Microsoft), and Mile Olson (Cloudera) lead the Executive Summit, Data Bootcamp, and practitioner sessions. Download these videos or view them through our HD player, and discover how the world of big data will affect your organization.

Topics covered include:

  • How to become a data-driven organization
  • Data's evolution from research to product
  • Applications, case studies, and cautionary tales
  • Distributed data processing and the Hadoop ecosystem
  • Data acquisition, crowdsourcing, cleaning, distribution, and markets
  • Machine learning
  • Real-time data processing and analytics
  • Data science best practices
  • Visualization and design principles
  • Augmented reality and immersive interfaces
  • Data protection, privacy, and policy
  • Training and recruiting data scientists

Table of contents

  1. Strata Conference 2011: Day 1
    1. Data Bootcamp Part 1 - Joseph Adler, Drew Conway, Jake Hofman, and Hilary Mason Me
    2. Data Bootcamp Part 2 - Jake Hofman
    3. Data Bootcamp Part 3 - Jake Hofman
    4. Data Bootcamp Part 4 - Hilary Mason and Drew Conway
    5. Data Bootcamp Part 5 - Hilary Mason
    6. Data Bootcamp Part 6 - Joseph Adler
    7. Data Bootcamp Part 7 - Drew Conway, Joseph Adler, and Hilary Mason
    8. Practitioner - How to Develop Big Data Applications for Hadoop Part 1 - Abe Taha, Ken Krugler, and Chris Wensel
    9. Practitioner - How to Develop Big Data Applications for Hadoop Part 2 - Abe Taha, Michael Williams, Shevek, and Ken Krugler
    10. Practitioner - How to Develop Big Data Applications for Hadoop Part 3 - Abe Taha, Shevek, Peter Sirota, and Chris Wensel
    11. Practitioner - Apache Cassandra in Action Part 1 - Jonathan Ellis
    12. Practitioner - Apache Cassandra in Action Part 2 - Jonathan Ellis
    13. Practitioner - Apache Cassandra in Action Part 3 - Jonathan Ellis
    14. Practitioner - Apache Cassandra in Action Part 4 - Jonathan Ellis
    15. Executive Summit - Mining the Tar Sands of Big Data - Michael Driscoll
    16. Executive Summit - The Data-driven Business and Other Lessons from History - Barry Devlin
    17. Executive Summit - Building the Data-driven Organization - Bob Page
    18. Executive Summit - Determine the Right Analytic Database: A Survey of Data Technologies and Products - Mark Madsen
    19. Executive Summit - Retail: Lessons Learned from the First Data-driven Business and Future Directions - Marilyn Craig
    20. Executive Summit - Barnes Noble: Big Data Analysis Across Bricks and Clicks for Driving Competitive Advantage - Mark Parrish
    21. Executive Summit - Analytics and Witch-Doctoring: Why Executives Succumb to the Black Box Mentality - J.C. Herz
    22. Executive Summit - With Big Data Comes Big Responsibility - John Fritz
  2. Strata Conference 2011: Day 2
    1. Opening Welcome - Edd Dumbill and Alistair Croll
    2. Keynote - What Data Tells Us - Hilary Mason
    3. Keynote - Privacy and Big Behavioral Data in the B2B Space - James Powell
    4. Keynote - The Mythology of Big Data - Mark Madsen
    5. Keynote - Data Without Limits - Werner Vogels
    6. Keynote - Data Everywhere: There Ought to Be a Marketplace for It - Zane Adam
    7. Keynote - Delivering Big Data: A Conversation with Mike Olson and Rod Smith - Abhishek Mehta, Mike Olson, and Rod Smith
    8. Keynote - The $3 Million Heritage Health Prize - Anthony Goldbloom
    9. Disruption and Opportunity - Crowdsourcing and the Democratization of Data - Lukas Biewald
    10. Disruption and Opportunity - Extracting Business Value from Semi-Structured Data - Cindi Thompson
    11. Disruption and Opportunity - Making Data Science a Sport - Anthony Goldbloom
    12. Disruption and Opportunity - Wolfram|Alpha: Answering Questions with the World's Factual Data - Joshua Martell
    13. Interfaces -Telling Great Data Stories Online - Jock Mackinlay
    14. Interfaces - Designing for Infinity - Dustin Kirk
    15. Interfaces - Small is the New Big: Lessons in Visual Economy - Kim Rees
    16. Interfaces -Visualizing Shared, Distributed Data - Alon Halevy, Roman Stanek, and Pete Warden
    17. Practitioner - Distilling Data Exhaust - Peter Skomoroch
    18. Practitioner - MAD Skills: A Magnetic, Agile and Deep Approach to Scalable Analytics - Brian Dolan and Joe Hellerstein
    19. Practitioner - Prototyping With Data - Matt Biddulph
    20. Practitioner - Big Data, Lean Startup: Data Science on a Shoestring - Philip Kromer
    21. Practitioner - New Developments in Large Data Techniques - Joseph Turian
    22. Practitioner - Google Cloud for Data Crunchers - Patrick Chanezon and Ryan Boyd
    23. Practitioner - OpenTSDB: A Scalable, Distributed Time Series and Database - Benoit Sigoure
    24. Practitioner - Real-Time Searching of Big Data with Solr and Hadoop - Rod Cope
    25. Practitioner - Unleashing Twitter Data for Fun and Insight - Matthew Russell
    26. Practitioner - Avro Data - Doug Cutting
    27. Practitioner - Esperwhispering: Using Esper to Find Problems in Real-time Data - Theo Schlossnagle
    28. Practitioner - Scaling Data Analysis with Apache Mahout - Isabel Drost
    29. Practitioner - Riak Core: Scalable, Highly Available Distributed Systems Infrastructure - Justin Sheehy
    30. Real World Applications Panel: Healthcare and Medicine - Andrew Odewahn, Carol McCall, David Van Sickle, Jim Golden, and Indu Subaiya
    31. Real World Applications Panel: Machine Learning and Decision Support - Samy Bengio, Jonathan Seidman, Robert Lancaster, and Alasdair Allan
    32. Real World Applications Panel: Enterprise and Industry - Kenneth Cukier, Adam Hurwitz, Jinesh Varia, and Mario Veiga Pereira
    33. The Data Business - Building and Pricing the Open Data Marketplace - Pete Soderling and Pete Forde
    34. An In-Depth Look at How to Survive the Data Deluge: It's About Dollars and Sense - Ed Boyajian
    35. Generating Dynamic Social Networks from Large Scale Unstructured Data - Tim Estes
    36. Human Expertise and Artificial Intelligence in Vertical Search - Peter Jackson
    37. Supercharge Development and Performance of Hadoop Applications - Davin Potts
    38. Microsoft DataMarket: Leveraging cloud to deliver public domain and commercial data to millions - Sudhir Hasbe and Bruno Aziza
    39. Social Media Analytics Using Greenplum's Data Computing Appliance - John Schleir-Smith
  3. Strata Conference 2011: Day 3
    1. Keynote - Free Our Data: How We Made Sense of Huge Datasets - Simon Rogers
    2. Keynote - Posthhumans, Big Data and New Interfaces - Alistair Croll, Toby Segaran, Amber Case, and Bradford Cross
    3. Keynote - Why Legacy Databases Can't Survive the Data Deluge - It's About Dollars and Sense - Ed Boyajian
    4. Keynote - The Heat Death of the Data Warehouse - Barry Devlin
    5. Keynote - Innovating Data Teams - DJ Patil
    6. Keynote - Your Data Rules the World - Scott Yara
    7. Keynote - Can Big Data Fix Healthcare? - Carol McCall
    8. Disruption and Opportunity - Where's the Money in Big Data? - Tim Guleri, Roger Ehrenberg, Paul Kedrosky, and Ping Li
    9. Disruption and Opportunity - Online Sentiment, Machine Learning, and Prediction - Ben Gimpert, Margaret Francis, Ryan Strynatka, Josh Merchant, and Alistair Croll
    10. Disruption and Opportunity - Predicting the Future: Anticipating the World with Data - Drew Conway, Christopher Ahlberg, Robert McGrew, and Rion Snow
    11. Interfaces - Data Journalism: Applied Interfaces - Marshall Kirkpatrick, Simon Rogers, and Jer Thorp
    12. Interfaces - AnySurface: Bringing Agent-based Simulation and Data Visualization to All Surfaces - Stephen Guerin
    13. Interfaces - Beyond visualization: Productivity, Complexity and Information Overload - Creve Maples
    14. Interfaces - Data as Art - J.J. Toothman
    15. Interfaces - Creating a Universal Software Experience Across Devices - Ram Peddibhotla
    16. Practitioner - Open Data: Designing Data-centric Web APIs - Pablo Castro
    17. Practitioner - Realtime Analytics at Twitter - Kevin Weil
    18. Practitioner - Present Tense: The Challenges and Trade-offs in Building a Web-scale Real-time Analytics System - Benjamin Black
    19. Practitioner - Meaningful Insights from Raw Metricks: Virtual Worlds and Other Business Applications - Nicholas Yee and Nic Ducheneaut
    20. Real World - Real World Applications Panel - Alexander Howard, Peter Clark, and Steve Midgley
    21. Real World - What Kind of Data do Government Agencies Have? - Virginia Carlson
    22. Real World - Dirty Politics, Dirty Data: Taming the Federal Election Commission's Database - Jonathan Bruner
    23. Real World - Research Evaluation in the Age of Global Digital Scholarship - Brian Wilson
    24. The Data Business - What's Mine is Yours: The Ethics of Big Data Ownership - Tim O'Reilly, Dylan Field, Nolan Goldberg, Brian Fitzpatrick, and Jud Valeski
    25. The Data Business - Data Marketplaces - Julie Steele, Ian White, Peter Marney, Moe Khosravy, and Dennis Yang
    26. Supersized Data? Get Real-time insights - Erik Swan and Narayan Bharadwaj
    27. Data in the Cloud with OpenStack - Eric Day
    28. Deriving Intelligence from Large Data Using Hadoop and Applying Analytics - Vineet Tyagi
    29. Painless Scaling: Rewiring your Existing Stacks for Scalability - Ben Werther

Product information

  • Title: Strata Conference 2011: Video Compilation
  • Author(s): Edd Wilder-James
  • Release date: February 2011
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 0636920019961