Video description
Leverage the power of big data in healthcare
Get a front row seat for workshops and sessions at O’Reilly’s Strata Rx—the first conference to bring data science to the intractable and urgent issues confronting healthcare. With this video compilation, you’ll learn how data is bringing advances in personalized and predictive medicine, as well as significant cost savings, and research that points to entirely new products and markets.
Download these videos or view them through our HD player, and keep up with the incredible change in healthcare data.
Topics and themes in this video package include:
- Data and analysis
- Data-driven drug development
- Environmental
- Future systems
- Mobile
- Next-gen disease management
- Patient engagement
- Privacy
- Social networking
Table of contents
- A Predictive Approach to Real-Time Detection of Fraud, Waste and Abuse in Healthcare - Noah Zimmerman
- APCDs - How Big Data in Health Care will Empower Patients and Transform Health Care - John Freedman
- A Conversation with Vinod Khosla - Tim O'Reilly and Vinod Khosla
- AgaMatrix Fights Diabetes using Data and Design - Sridhar Iyengar
- A Small Proposal: One Experiment - James Heywood
- Analytics in Healthcare Consumerism - John Zedlewski, Jen Bisignani and Arjun Kulothungun
- Applying Smart Analytics to the Medicare Readmission Problem - Niall Brennan
- Bigger Data or Better Questions? - Alexandra Drane
- Beyond the patient: Studying whole healthcare systems using claims data - Frederica Conrey
- Big Data for Big People - Esther Dyson, Roni Zeiger, Bastian Greshake and Ryan Phelan
- Big Fast Data in Health Sciences: A Panel of Experts Discusses What and Why - Bill Schmarzo, Jonathan Cohen, Christopher Keene and Hulya Emir-Farinas
- Bridging The Funding Gap For Big Data HealthTech Startups - Anne DeGheest, Alexis Borisy, Bryan Roberts and Thomas Rodgers
- Buxton's Ghost: The Ethos of Healthcare Data Science - Fred Trotter
- Choose Your Monopolies Wisely - John Wilbanks
- Crowd Sourced Research: Better, Faster, Cheaper - Anne Wojcicki
- Cancer Patients and Pharma Catalyze Action to Share Research Data - Marcia Kean, Charles Hugh-Jones and Gwen Darien
- Demonstration Project - Improved Care NOW - David Fore, Lesa Mitchell and Michael Seid
- Disruptors: Panel On What Healthcare Will Look Like In 2020 - DJ Patil, John Mattison, Tim O'Reilly and Benjamin West
- Doing Big Data All By Yourself: Interactive Data Driven Decision Making by Non-Programmers - Ari Gesher and Lauren Chaparro
- Dreaming of Tenure and IPOs While Patients Suffer and Diseases Remain Untreated - What Prevents Open Approaches to Building Better Models of Disease? - Stephen Friend
- Electronic Measurement in the Real World: Lessons Learned from the Beacon Communities - Kerri Petrin, Lori Stephenson, Craig Brammer, Greg Larkin and Marilee Benson
- Embracing Personalized Medicine Safely - David Houlding
- HIE 2.0 - The future of Health Information Exchange - John Kansky
- Handling Hot Health Data without Getting Burned - Michael Shoffner
- Health Data Now: The Untapped Potential Of Structured Data Stuck On Paper - Darren Hite, Kuang Chen, Mohit Kaushal, Kyna Fong and Geoffrey Nudd
- How Open Data and Prize Competitions Will Drive Innovation in Health - Jonathan Gluck, Guy Cavet and Aman Bhandari
- How Predictive Analytics Lets The Health Care Ecosystem Do More For Patients Who Need Help - Josh Benner
- Its an Exciting Time in the Industry - Bill Schmarzo
- Impacts of social health data on predicting weight loss and engagement - Jin Hahn and David Kil
- Knowledge Sharing and Personalized Clinical Decision Support: Keys to US Healthcare Transformation - Blackford Middleton
- Learning Models for Metabolic Syndrome from Medical Claims Data - Bruce Church and Greg Steinberg
- Lessons from consumer web data science applied to personalized medicine and hospital efficiency - Scott Nicholson
- Population Health Management and Analytics Using Longitudinal, Comparative EHR Data - Allen Kamer
- Preparing for Surprise - Carol McCall
- Predictive Analytics of Multi-Dimensional Data Leads to Accurate and Personalized Treatment Recommendations for Patients and Lower Cost To Serve - Christos Tryfonas and Karthik Kannan
- Real World Evidence Meets Big Data: Implications for Patient-Centric Analytics - Andrew Kress
- Rapid Learning Systems to Improve Patient Outcomes and Reduce Healthcare Costs - Bharat Rao
- Reasons why health data is poorly integrated today and what we can do about it - Shahid Shah
- Responsibly Using And Disclosing De-identified Data Under The HIPAA Privacy Rule - Ann Waldo, Khaled El Emam and David Houlding
- Session by William E. Klitgaard - William E. Klitgaard
- Solving the Wanamaker Problem for Healthcare - Tim O'Reilly
- Startup Showcase Winners
- Support the Proposed Federal Rule to Expand the Rights of Patients to Access Their Test Results - Ann Waldo
- Tina Brown-Stevenson - UnitedHealth Networks
- The Convergence of Genomic and Phenomic Data - Alexis Borisy
- The Emergence of Proactive P4 Medicine: A Revolution in Healthcare - Leroy Hood
- The Frontiers of Health Data Analytics - Roger Magoulas, Jacomo Corbo, Colin Hill and Nathan Wolfe
- The Industrialization of Healthcare: Driving Value Through Technology and Analytics - Brad Ryan
- The Meaningful Use of Natural Language Processing in Healthcare - Josh Wills, Kenneth Kolenik, Jake Marcus, Jacob Miller and Nigam Shah
- The Shape of Big Data Can Impact Cancer Outcomes - Pek Lum
- The Value of Big Data Technologies in Healthcare: Real World Examples and What's on the Horizon - Rod Smith
- Unleashing the Power of Medicare Data to Accelerate Health System Change - Niall Brennan
- Using Mobile Technology to Improve Patient Engagement and Outcomes - Kin Lane, Cale Bruckner, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Jonathon Dreyer and Stanley James
- Using the Social fMRI to investigate health and wellness mechanisms with mobile phones - Nadav Aharony
- Why Facebook and Google Missed the Boat on Healthcare - Sreedhar Potarazu
- clearScience: Dragging Scientific Communication into the Information Age - Brian Bot and Erich Huang
Product information
- Title: Strata Rx Conference San Francisco 2012: Video Compilation
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2012
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 0636920028628
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