Reviewing the Master Strategy: Stage 2

  1. Acquiring Body Wisdom

    1. Fake it till you make it. Act how you want to be until it comes naturally.

    2. Adopt the stance of the peaceful warrior.

      1. Focus on the here and now.

      2. Change your physiology.

      3. Learn to listen to your body. If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won't have to listen to it scream.

      4. Cultivate relaxation skills.

        1. Begin with breathing.

        2. Follow with progressive relaxation.

          1. Use the systematic process of tensing and relaxing each muscle group slowly and individually, allowing you to develop awareness of bodily tension and then enabling you to release it.

          2. Coordinate this with your breathing.

          3. Combine with relaxing imagery.

        3. Use autogenic training—a process of repeating relaxing phrases to yourself regarding ...

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