Chapter 9Striving effectively: background behaviours

In addition to the foreground behaviours covered in the previous chapter, our research showed that strivers also had background behaviours that allowed them to handle struggle much more effectively. Think of these background behaviours as bedrock behaviours — they build a solid foundation on which you can more effectively deal with discomfort.

The five background behaviours are having a clear mental focus, being grateful, connecting with others, taking time to recover and celebrating your victories.

Have a clear mental focus

As outlined in the previous chapter, in order to handle struggle more effectively when you get in the trenches with it, you must accept that it is going to be uncomfortable and accept whatever thoughts and emotions come up for you, focus on the meaning and purpose that sits on the other side of it, and bear witness to your own courage. To do all of these things, you must be able to control your attention and be mindful while dealing with struggle.

In chapter 7, I talk about one of my research studies where we examined a client-facing division of a large financial institution. At this company, employees were divided into four levels of performance (diamond, gold, silver and bronze). As well as the findings already discussed, my teams and I also found that one of the key characteristics of the high performers that allowed them to deal with struggle so well was their capacity to be focused and present (as ...

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