AppendixThe Evaluation Questionnaire and Trends Observed

A.1. The maturity evaluation questionnaire

Based on the maturity evaluation questionnaires for sustainable performance of enterprises, l’Academie carried out an online survey among its subscribers and other firms interested in positioning themselves relative to averages.

Even if the survey cannot be considered as representative from a statistical methodology point of view, the authors consider that the results show a good average vision of French companies.

This survey relies on nine synthetic questionnaires corresponding to the four main case studies in Part 1 and the five focus area case studies in Part 2. Their goal is to initiate a very “macro” evaluation process which will serve as the “trigger” for a subsequent evaluation of continuous improvement, decided on by the enterprise.

The columns in the questionnaires correspond to the maturity level of the various criteria defined in Table A.1.

Here, we note that level 5 corresponds to a very high maturity level which is very difficult to attain, and that level 4 can be considered excellent. Level 3 constitutes a good goal, under the condition that it is achieved in all areas and not just some.

Table A.1. Maturity indicator definitions

Indicators of maturity in terms of sustainable performance
Level Description
1 Non-existent The enterprise has not yet identified the stakes of sustainable performance
2 Discovering The stakes have been identified, but no action ...

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