Chapter    43

Type Casting

You can convert value types such as floating-point and integer numbers to other types in Swift. This is called type casting. Obviously, if you convert a Double type to a Float or Int type, you will lose some precision in your numbers. Listing 43-1 shows some examples of how you might convert a floating-point number to other value types.

Listing 43-1. Type Casting Value Types

let f1 = 9.99let i1 = Int(f1)let d1 = Double(f1)let b1 = Bool(f1)let s1 = toString(f1)

In Listing 43-1, you type cast f1 to an integer, double, and boolean. In the last line, you converted f1 to a String type.

Type Casting Instances

You can type cast instances using the as keyword. Let’s say you are using the Person and Employee classes from

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