current ripple ratio, 73–74, 83, 214–216
design rule basics, 180, 181
flyback converters, 131–132, 133–134, 138
forward converters, 156
frequency dependence, 77
gapped cores, 222–223, 222f
holdup requirements, 573
inductor relationship, 76–77
inverse coupling, 529, 530f, 531–533
load current dependence, 77–78
optimum value, 196
paralleling, 516
split-winding inductors, 176, 177
stress handling, 514–515
turn numbers not increasing, 103–106
variation for dc level, 64t
inductance index, 128–129
inductive switching:
crossover time, 316–317, 316f
repetitive switching, 317
simplified MOSFET model, 320–322, 321f
turn-on/off transition, 317–318
inductor current:
ac and dc components, 69f
average, 181, 182, 183–184
charging phase, ...

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