9.2. Rule-based Systems

Consider the kernel specification of the Enrol event:

Enrol(c,s)Candidate State(c)=Admitted;Subject State(s)=Offered;Filled(s)<Quota(s);p=Programme(c);Component State(p,s)=Offered;e=(Current Semester,c,s);Enrolment State(e)=Null;Enrolment State(e)=Enrolled;Mark(e)=null;Filled(s)=Filled(s)+1;Balance Owing(c)=Balance Owing(c)+Fee(s).


Now consider some further rules concerning possible errors. First, Candidate State might also be Graduated or Null:

Enrol(c,s)Candidate State(c)=Null;Error.No Such Admission(c).Enrol(c,s)Candidate State(c)=Graduated;Error.Graduated(c).

where Error is a program object that reports errors, ...

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