active learning, 66

adaptive innovators, 65, 87, 89

agile decision making, 81

Aiman-Smith, L., 79

Aoun, J. E., 47

approach force field analysis, 35–36

Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 52–53

Atlas, 117–121

discipline, 124

domain and operational context, 123–124

interpersonal skills and technical leadership, 124

math/science/general engineering, 123

mindset, 124

Atlas 0.25, 117

Atlas 1.0, 117

authorships, 109

automotive group presentations, 23

Banathy, B. H., 47

benchmarking, 91–93

Biesta, G., 24

breadth and specialization, 41

British Computer Society, 134

Brooks, K., 32

Brown, T., 135–136

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 34–35


functions, 81

practices and principles, 67

results, 76–77

Business Savvy, ...

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