Tableau Basics: How to Color Your Mark Black

Tableau has worked with Maureen Stone, an expert in color and visual perception, for many years to make color palettes that are not just attractive but also work for those who cannot perceive colors well. This figure shows the color palettes that are available in Tableau 2023.

Color palette choices in Tableau Desktop
Figure 1. Color palette choices in Tableau Desktop

The color palettes on the left are what you will likely use if you are coloring the data points by categories. The palettes on the right are for coloring sequential data, like measures. You’ll notice that one color is missing from those palettes that you will often need to use—black. This Shortcut will walk you through how to use black to color your marks.

When picking a palette by clicking on the color part of the Marks card, you can change any of the colors in that palette. You do this by clicking on the square indicating the color when selecting what each color represents. You can get to this option by following these steps:

  1. Click and drag the data field from the Data pane that will set the color of your marks on the Marks card.

    Category added to the Marks card
    Figure 2. Category added to the Marks card
  2. Click on the Color icon on the Marks card and then click on Edit Colors.

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