Chapter 11: Clinical evaluation of Hannes: measuring the usability of a novel polyarticulated prosthetic hand

Marianna Semprinia; Nicolò Boccardoa; Andrea Lincea; Simone Traversoa; Lorenzo Lombardia; Antonio Succia; Michele Canepaa; Valentina Squeria; Jody A. Sagliaa; Paolo Arianob; Luigi Realec; Pericle Randid; Simona Castellanod; Emanuele Gruppionid; Matteo Laffranchia,e; Lorenzo De Michielia,e    aRehab Technologies Lab, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, ItalybCenter for Sustainable Future Technologies, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Torino, ItalycArea sanità e salute, ISTUD Foundation, Milano, ItalydCentro Protesi INAIL, Vigorso di Budrio (BO), ItalyeSenior equal contribution author.


Polyarticulated hands exhibit human-likeness ...

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