Film Sense, The , 85
Film Technique , 3 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 106 , 217
Film Till Now, The , 25
Film time structure , 304
Flaherty, Robert , 107 , 174 , 239
Flash-back , 28 , 204
Fonda, Henry , 218
Fonda, Jane , 251
Foot, Geoffrey , 69
Football , 251
Ford, John , 39 , 212
400 Coups, Les , 272 , 273 , 275 , 277 , 278
France Observateur , 249
Franju, Georges
, 252 , 266 , 267
Frank, Robert , 250
Free Cinema movement , 250
Gance, Abel , 235 , 236
Garbo, Greta , 40 , 77
Gente del Po , 315
Gish, Lillian , 13
Godard, Jean-Luc , 251 , 290 – 301
Gotten, Joseph , 87
Graham-Scott, Peter , 30
Grapes of Wrath , The , 39 , 41
Grapewin, Charley , 212
Great Expectations
extract , 197 – 200
Great Train Robbery , The , 6 , 7
Greed , 276
Greenspun, Roger , 280
Grido, Il , 319
, 250
Griffi th. D. W. , 7 –
12 , 13 – 14 , 29 , 49 , 186 , 227
Gt-apes of Wrath, The , 39 , 41
Hand-held camera , 259
Harris, Jack , 61
Harvest for Tomorrow , 174
Hawks, Howard , 205
Hepburn, Katharine , 78
Hiller, Wendy , 96
Hiroshima Mon Amour , 272 , 274 , 302
Hitchcock, Alfred , 43 , 49 , 194
Hitchcock suspense scenes , 201
Hope, Bob , 79
Hopkins, Antony , 225
H ô tel des Invalides , 252 , 266 – 70
Houston, Penelope , 236
Howard, Trevor , 87
Howells, Jack , 166 , 168 , 169
Hundred per cent Talkies , 25 , 26
Huston, John
, 39
extract , 148 – 50
Image Size and Angle, change in , 183 – 6
Imaginative documentary , 107 – 26
Index to the Creative Work of Georges Me’libs , 4
Informer , The , 27
Instructional fi lm vs. teaching fi lm , 141
Intellectual montage , 17 – 23
Intolerance , 11 , 13 , 27 , 235
Ivens, Joris , 107
Jacobs, Lewis , 5
Jane , 251
Jarrv, Alfred. , 301
Jennings, Humphrey , 44 , 129 , 132 , 136
Jim , 279
Joli Mai , Le , 253
extract , 261 – 5
Jour Se L è ve , Le , 39 , 41
Jules , 275 , 279
Jules et Jim , 235 , 277 , 279
Junkyard , 286
Kaye, Danny , 79
Kazan, Elia , 242
Kine Calendar , 163
Kine Truth , 163
Kinetoscope, Edison/Dixon , 235
Koller, Charlie , 279 , 286 , 290
Kuleshov , 13 , 15 , 238