Testing Server-Rendered HTML Applications

Testing server-rendered HTML endpoints is very similar to testing JSON endpoints, but the response is an HTML document instead of JSON. We’ll write tests for the user controller that handles the server-rendered HTML endpoints. Let’s start by looking at the controller code that we’ll be testing:

 defmodule​ NotSkullWeb.UserController ​do
 use​ NotSkullWeb, ​:controller
  alias NotSkull.Accounts
  alias NotSkull.Accounts.User
  alias NotSkull.ExternalServices.Email
 def​ new(conn, _params) ​do
  user = User.create_changeset(%{})
  render(conn, ​"​​new.html"​, ​changeset:​ user)
 def​ create(conn, %{​"​​user" ...

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