3Enough with Feeling Stuck and Frustrated!
WE'VE DISCUSSED WHAT being stuck looks like. You're the person standing at the elevator constantly pushing the button and expecting something different to happen even though you keep doing the exact same thing.
We've discussed why you get stuck. Your brain doesn't want to change because it takes more energy and means forging new pathways when it would rather stick with the same old routines that it's gotten by with for years.
The frustration that comes with being stuck in the wrong job, the wrong relationship, bad patterns of behavior, and just generally feeling like you can't change or make your life better is terrible. The good news is that same frustration can motivate you to actually make a change, whether your brain wants to or not.
Now it's time to say goodbye to being stuck and frustrated. It's time to grab hold of your ship's wheel and start navigating a new course, one that will bring you happiness and the things you want out of life. It's never too late to chart a new course and to seize control of your own destiny!
1. The Day That Turned My Life Around
The day that turned my life around started just like any ordinary day. I was a full-time working mom with two very young kids. I was tired, I didn't like what my day-to-day looked like, I was frustrated, and I felt overworked and unappreciated. It was a rainy, windy Saturday morning, October 11, 2008. I was 32 years old and felt that my life sucked. Back then, I'd meet ...
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