General Index

> arrow symbol, 22

... (more options, three dots symbol), 14, 15, 227, 228

> key, 165

< key, 165

V arrow symbol, 22

+ (plus) sign

cursor using, 16

overflow text indicator, 16


Abe Lincoln, Jr., 294, 310

Abutting option (Image Trace panel), 69

acknowledgments, xxii

Acosta, Ray, 101, 308

Adjust Adjoining Width Points option (Width Point Edit dialog), 111

adjustment layers (Photoshop), 281, 300

Adobe Acrobat, 282

Adobe Color Themes panel, 171172

Adobe Creative Suite, xviii

Adobe Fonts, 12, 44

Adobe Ideas, 225

Adobe Illustrator Clipboard (AICB), 279

Adobe Illustrator WOW! Book, The

CS5 cover photo, 270

CS6 and CC cover photo, 273 ...

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