The Brand IDEA: Managing Nonprofit Brands with Integrity, Democracy and Affinity

Book description

Offering a new framework for nonprofit brand management, this book presents the Brand IDEA (Integrity, Democracy, and Affinity). The framework eschews traditional, outdated brand tenets of control and competition largely adopted from the private sector, in favor of a strategic approach centered on the mission and based on a participatory process, shared values, and the development of key partnerships. The results are nonprofit brands that create organizational cohesion and generate trust in order to build capacity and drive social impact. The book explores in detail how nonprofit organizations worldwide are developing and implementing new ways of thinking about and managing their organizational brands.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Praise for The Brand IDEA
  3. Title page
  4. Copyright page
  5. List of Figures, Tables, and Exhibits
  6. Foreword by Christopher Stone, president, Open Society Foundations
  7. Introduction
    1. Purpose and Intent
    2. Summary of Contents
    3. How to Use This Book
  8. PART 1: Context, Concepts, and Building Blocks
    1. CHAPTER 1: What Is Driving the Paradigm Shift and Brand IDEA Framework
      1. Background and Context
      2. A Paradigm Shift and Brand Management Mindset
      3. Introduction to the Brand IDEA
      4. Being in the Zeitgeist
      5. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 2: What Is a Brand Anyway, and Why Should You Manage It?
      1. What Is a Brand?
      2. What a Brand Does
      3. Key Differences Between For-Profits and Nonprofits
      4. Traditional For-Profit Brand Management
      5. The Lack of Brand Management in Nonprofits
      6. How Does the Brand IDEA Differ from Traditional For-Profit Brand Management Models?
      7. Brand Equity
      8. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 3: What You Need to Know: Reviewing the Building Blocks of Brand
      1. Differentiation and Positioning
      2. Interrelation of Brand, Positioning, and Differentiation
      3. Theories of Change
      4. Internal Branding
      5. Summary
    4. CHAPTER 4: Why the Skeptics Have It Wrong: Understanding the Role and Benefits of Brand
      1. Skepticism of Brand and Brand Management
      2. Revisiting the Paradigm Shift
      3. The Role of Brand Cycle
      4. Summary
  9. PART 2: Getting the Brand IDEA
    1. CHAPTER 5: Brand Integrity
      1. Brand Identity
      2. Embedding Identity Within Strategy
      3. Aligning Identity with Mission
      4. Aligning Identity with Values
      5. Brand Image
      6. Addressing Multiple Audiences
      7. Aligning Brand Identity and Brand Image
      8. Using Brand Integrity to Support Decision Making
      9. Challenges of Integrity
      10. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 6: Brand Democracy
      1. Implementing a Participative Process
      2. Empowering Brand Ambassadors
      3. Using Guiding Principles Versus Strict Controls
      4. Challenges of Democracy
      5. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 7: Brand Affinity
      1. The Drivers of Brand Affinity
      2. Characteristics of Brand Affinity
      3. Types of Brand Affinity Partnerships
      4. Sources of Success for Brand Affinity
      5. An Open-Source and Flexible Approach to the Use of Brand Assets
      6. Challenges of Brand Affinity
      7. Summary
  10. PART 3: Putting the Brand IDEA into Action
    1. CHAPTER 8: Implementing the Brand IDEA: What to Do and How to Do It
      1. Implement Brand Integrity Through Brand Democracy
      2. Create Affinity for Greater Impact
      3. Measuring the Impact of Branding Activities and Return on Brand Investment
      4. Organizational Cohesion, Capacity, and Impact
      5. External Trust
      6. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 9: The Brand IDEA in Specific Situations
      1. Brand Management in Different Situations
      2. Brand Management for Different Structures
      3. Managing Brands at Different Stages of the Organizational Life Cycle
      4. Summary
    3. Conclusion: You Can Do It!
      1. Using the Brand IDEA
      2. Using Brand IDEA by Function
      3. Concluding Thoughts
  11. References
  12. Individuals Interviewed and Organizations Cited
    1. Individuals
    2. Organizations
  13. The Authors
  14. Acknowledgments
  15. Index

Product information

  • Title: The Brand IDEA: Managing Nonprofit Brands with Integrity, Democracy and Affinity
  • Author(s): Nathalie Laidler-Kylander, Julia Shepard Stenzel
  • Release date: November 2013
  • Publisher(s): Jossey-Bass
  • ISBN: 9781118555835