
Chapter 1

1Storrs, Constance Mary. Jacobean Pilgrims From England to St. James of Compostela: From the Early Twelfth to the Late Fifteenth Century. Confraternity of Saint James, 1998, pp. 32–33.

2I like the perspective that Maryjane, a professor from the USA, has about the story about St. James’s remains: “If persons have no concept of who St. James was, and why the pilgrimage developed, then they could just as well walk the Appalachian Trail. You don’t have to ‘believe’ in the efficacy of pilgrimage, or in the bones of the saint actually being there, but for goodness sake give some thought to what you’re doing, and why others have done it.”

3Storrs, p. 33.

4The Pilgrimage to Compostela in the Middle Ages. Edited by Maryjane Dunn and Linda ...

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