F Pitch name for the fourth step of a C-Major scale. Fourth white key above middle C on the piano keyboard.
F-hole The shape of the sound hole on string instruments.
fa 1. Fourth degree in the solfège system (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, and do). 2. Italian, French, and Spanish name for the note F.
fach system Used in Germany to categorize professional singers into specific voice and character types. Women: coloratura soprano, lyric soprano, lyric-spinto soprano, dramatic soprano, lyric mezzo-soprano, and dramatic mezzo-soprano. Men: countertenor, lyric tenor, lyric-spinto tenor, dramatic tenor, heldentenor, lyric baritone, dramatic baritone, bass-baritone, basso contante, and basso profundo.
fagott German word for bassoon, a member of the ...

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